Changelog for VR Version

This update focused on navigation improvements and additional playback settings within the video player.

We also released HandBrake presets for 8K and created a public GitHub repository where users can post Issues for improvements or suggestions. Users more familiar with video encoding and GitHub can even make additions or modifications by submitting a pull request to have them officially added to our set of presets for PS VR2 or other platforms like PS4, iOS, etc.

New Features & Improvements

  • Major navigation improvements. When leaving a sideloaded video you now go back to the sideloading menu instead of home.

  • New settings options:

    • Select demux video buffer size (10 MiB to 128 MiB (default 96 MiB)). Selecting a higher buffer size will result in greater memory usage but will help the video player handle higher bitrate videos more efficiently. This should make video playback smoother overall.

    • Set number of frame buffers (3 or 6 (default 3)). Frame buffer is how many frames of a video will be prepared for presentation prior to viewing. Selecting a higher frame buffer also results in higher memory usage and also contributes to smoother playback.

Bug Fixes

  • When opening the player controls the settings popout menu would show every other time. Now the popout menu only shows if the settings toggle is enabled.

  • Many bug fixes and menu changes were required after the navigation improvements. If you notice any weird behavior within menu navigation please report it.

  • Fixed an issue with the requires VR overlay screen.

Known Issues

  • Some 2dff and 3dff videos can suddenly have margins added to the bottom and right side of the viewing area. This is especially apparent in 3dff content and causes the left image to have part of the right image.

Settings Menu & Minor UI Improvements (v1.1.12) [09/20/2024]

We were hoping to get out some more improvements this week. Such as fixing the backing out of a sideloaded video taking you to the home screen instead of back to the sideloading menu and allowing the user to resize the UI, however, these should be out next patch.

In the meantime, you'll have higher resolution support and some more UI redesigns/improvements.

Please report bugs and improvements you'd like to see!

New Features & Improvements

  • Redesigned the player controls GUI again

    • Added back video title/filename

    • Play/pause icon change

    • Made opaque to help with eye discomfort on stereoscopic videos

    • Rounded edges of background panels

  • Sidebar Menu additions and improvements

    • Replaced icons

    • Added new Settings option

    • Added application version

  • Library Menu Improvements

    • Swapped to new Sideloading Menu look

  • Settings menu added

    • Added option to opt-in to increase the max supported resolution. We have not done much 8K video testing so it's going to be opt-in for right now.

    • Added option to opt-in to forcing stereoscopic videos to be displayed monoscopically while the player controls are shown for eye comfort. The video presentation switches back to stereoscopic once the player controls are hidden. Some people liked this change others dislike it so that is why it is opt-in now.

  • Minor navigation improvements

Bug Fixes

  • Previous bug of "Uncomfortable to look at player controls GUI while watching a stereoscopic video" seems to be partially fixed in actuality. Some people find this more comfortable others find it annoying and that it does not help make it more comfortable. We changed the player controls GUI to be fully opaque with the previous monoscopic effect in combination to hopefully fix the discomfort. We'll be looking out for users thoughts on the changes to better determine the best solution.

  • Fixed player controls GUI displaying a placeholder title name instead of the video title/filename.

  • In certain situations the wrong button would be selected automatically then a few frames after it would select a more appropriate button. Now it just chooses the appropriate button.

  • In certain situations the size of the UI could get stuck as the safe area size. Which some people might actually prefer this size but it was cutting off the right part of the UI. I was unable to reproduce this effect, however, it should now be less likely to happen after changing some of the code associated with that. If this happens to you please try clearing the cache of the app.

Known Issues

  • There may be a problem with high bitrate videos, in particular when testing a high bitrate 8K video the player froze a few times. I was able to seek past the problematic area but it did happen another time or two on the same video. Could be a problem with the video itself or the video player's demux buffer size is not large enough for high bitrate 8K videos. Needs more testing but we should be adding an option to increase the demux buffer size regardless this in the next patch.

  • The player controls popout settings menu only shows every other time you open the controls. Should also be fixed in next patch.

Bug Fixes (v1.1.1) [09/13/2024]

Just a single bug fix this time. More fixes and improvements coming soon.

Bug Fixes

  • Discomfort caused by viewing player controls GUI while watching a stereoscopic video has been resolved. The video now switches to monoscopic while the player controls GUI is shown then switches back to stereoscopic after it's hidden. This is the same solution to this "Depth Conflict" problem we used on PS4 / PS VR. May try a potentially better solution in the future.

The Sideloading Update (v1.1.0) [09/06/2024]

Known issue added with this update: when sideloading from a folder with many videos if you start a video sometimes when you go back to the file view it will have a video selected that is off screen. Select the sidebar and navigate back to the videos grid to get the selection back on screen. Here is a video for reference and to how to see the selection again.

This update brings an upgrade to the player controls UI as well as some major internal upgrades regarding the menu system.

New Features & Improvements

  • Upgraded Sideloading Menu

    • Added multidrive support

    • Complete menu redesign

      • Added address bar

      • Added return to home button

    • Added file view settings menu

    • Hot-plugging and hot-unplugging now better supported

  • Upgrading the player controls GUI

    • Better navigation

    • Redesign of pop-out settings window for video settings

      • Simpler and better looking

  • Added 3D stereoscopic flat/rectangle support

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue preventing stereoscopic configurations from functioning properly

  • Added support for WebM containers or in other words file extensions to be recognized as playable content, ensuring visibility in the sideloading and RSS menus

  • Addressed an error where the application attempted to load a non-existent thumbnail for sideloaded and RSS content

  • Backing out of the sideloading menu showing no drive connected has been fixed

  • Root-level videos now show and are playable in sideloading

  • Folders with more videos than can be displayed on the screen at once now let you scroll properly

  • Auto-hiding the player controls now consistently hides after 7.5 seconds. Note: You can navigate down past the bottom row and it will hide the player controls GUI

  • Subscription and License status now correctly show in account menu

  • Current time and video duration now correctly get formatted over an hour or a day. Should be able to correctly display a video duration of 365 days or longer

  • When closing a video all renderers no longer try and free their textures just the active renderers

Initial Release (v1.0.45) [09/02/2024]

This is the initial release of the app and considered the starting point for all other updates. It contains the MVP application with many bugs found by our team.

Last updated